Friday 6 October 2017


It is the year 4.000. Two thousand years ago with the advent of the quantum computer, a common practice among people was to bear (under their skin) a mini super video camera with huge storage capacity to record every minute of their life and store them in the cloud. The world government decided also to keep track, with the help of satellite cameras, of every event on earth and the nearby asteroids in order to avoid global destructions. It became very easy to follow a person’s life or a certain project or event, on earth. Therefore if somebody wrote down (in the super internet facebook or youtube) the name of a project, a man or a historic event, then within a second it appears in front of him as it happened.
 Unfortunately 1500 years ago, life became extinct on earth in a very short time due to an unknown, dangerous and rapid proliferated airborne virus; it was probably imported from Mars in our first attempt to colonize the planet. This event caused the entire infrastructure here on Earth to remain intact.
Alien immortal creatures were travelling on a rogue star between galaxies; they finally approached our sun, on their journey towards the centre of our galaxy to get momentum from the black hole there. They decided to visit earth but they didn’t have enough time due to the big escape velocity of the rogue star, so they sent reconnaissance probes, where they found intact infrastructures. Soon after they had repaired all the power stations on earth, electricity started flowing again, which made all the computers around the globe to function again. The aliens collected a huge amount of information stored in the superpower quantum computers. Their archaeologists discovered and studied what happened the last 500 years on earth. In order to analyze all the data, they constructed a virtual reality of earth and began to study the events as they happened, in chronological order of the last 500 years. In the end, they decided to penetrate into this world in order to avoid that doomsday. They knew the interrelation between” bit and it” and how to get an “ it from a bit “, so they took the last bits available (except the bits that corresponded to the lethal gene virus) and make earth again alive. Soon after their intervention, life flourished again on earth and they left their fingerprints to be remembered by the new generations.
It is now the 31st of December 3999. Humanity here on earth and in the colonies of Moon and Mars is ready to celebrate the advent of new millennia and honor, one more time, our stranger saviors.
Note 1: Information is conserved and only the last bits of something which corresponds to the evolution of the previous bits can be materialized. Therefore causality is not violating.
Note 2: Rogue stars are hypervelocity stars that have been ejected from the galactic core by a supermassive black hole and travel between galaxies. Manipulation of a rogue star is achieved by the slight distortion of the nearby spacetime, with the help of superpower gravitational lenses installed in the planetary system of the star, as in a Dyson Sphere (this is a megastructure that completely encompasses a star and captures most or all of its power output).
Note 3: Immortal beings are constructing as follows: A human heart beats approximately 1010  times during a 100 years lifespan. We define the lifespan of a being to be approximately  1010  beats of his heart, therefore an animal with 140 beats per second its lifespan shall be 50 years. The Universe so far is full of wonders and surprises that no one ever imagined,  why not then somewhere in the Universe exist beings with a heartbeat 10-24 beats/sec, so their lifespan is 1034 sec. in comparison with 1020 sec. of the current age of the universe.
Note 4: A wave function of certain  Elementary particles has frequency equals to 1024 cycle/sec and lifespan 10-8 sec, therefore, it beats 1016 times during its short lifetime, this is the reason why Physicists consider these particles (they decay through electromagnetic or weak interaction ) as stable or immortal.
( An extract from my submission issue in 2013 FQXi contest «it from bit or bit from it»)

Sunday 1 October 2017



When I was a child , an old man named Jim was living alone  very close to my family’ s house .We children of the neighborhood used to call him uncle Jim. He had no family and I don’t know if he was ever married.
He was a tall , thin man and he walked unsteadily bent with age. He was always wearing a black long coat which gave me the impression that it was some part of his body.
He ran a small confectionery shop near the bus station. This shop was so small that it hardly had room for two children in it.
He was quite reserved and rather impolite to adults , but in contrast he was very good with children. Most often he could spent a whole day telling stories and giving cookies to the children , and during the winter you could see his words slowly printed on the gradually dampening glass door panes. That pane door was the entrance to a magical world full of cookies, candies and fairy tales . If uncle Jim was dressed in reds he would be Santa-Claus.
One day when I returned from summer vacations a boy told me that uncle Jim had died. His  life had ended so silently as he had always lived , and his end marked my own childhood’s end as well.